Oculus offers a wide range of services in building science and facade engineering.
Whether you're trying to build better and don't know where to start, or you know how to build better but are worried about consent, compliance and construction, we can help.
Building Enclosure Design
Our expertise goes beyond the vertical facade to include below-grade waterproofing, windows, walls, cladding, roofs, decks and all the other components in between.
This comprehensive approach means easier consents, more robust assemblies, simplified junctions, quicker answers during design, and ultimately a much more holistic building envelope solution.

There are three different ways we can get involved on a design project.
Enclosure Design PS1
We accept primary design responsibility for all enclosure elements and junctions. We work closely with the architect to guide the design and rely on precedent testing, appraisals, design guides and other manufacturer’s data for compliance.
Enclosure Design Peer Review PS2
We review the building enclosure design from another designer to satisfy council requirements and ensure the design is robust and compliant.
Enclosure Design Review or Detail Drawings
We provide independent design advice, recommendations and/or assembly details to simplify construction and give flexibility and confidence to work outside of prescriptive details to try something different or innovative.
Construction Monitoring PS4
Ensuring a robust, defect free install is just as important as a good design.
We provide on-site monitoring to review mock-ups, observe testing, and generally provide support and a second (or third) set of eyes to check that everything is installed properly the first time.
We also review shop drawings, liaise with suppliers, and sort out any questions or details based on hidden site conditions and/or beyond what’s shown on the drawings.
- Construction Monitoring Levels are based on size and complexity of the project/assemblies
- We usually recommend CM3 (a site visit every week or two)
- We issue site reports with observations and recommendations for remediations
- We can review proposals for design changes and issue letters for consent amendments
- At the end of envelope construction, we check installers PS3s, close out defects, and issue an enclosure PS4

Passive House Design
A Passive House (or Passivhaus) is a building that provides year-round comfortable indoor conditions with extremely low energy demand. The focus in Passive House is to optimise the building envelope for the local climate and reduce the energy demand needed to keep an even, comfortable temperature throughout the house.
It's a design method that's proven to work anywhere in the world on any type of building from luxury to low-cost and from residential to industrial.
Health, comfort, economy and energy efficiency

Building Science: Component Design PS1
A good enclosure is a sum of its parts, and sometimes those parts need some bespoke component engineering. We can do the structural engineering for different types of cladding, shades, louvres, pergolas or any other bits and bobs that connect to the outside of the building.
- Bespoke claddings
- Louvres
- Shades
- Brackets
- Battens
- Anything else

Building Science: Modelling
The Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) is a complex spreadsheet that counts all of the energy inputs and outputs of the building to check how much energy it takes to make a comfortable interior environment.
We can use it to help you design a Passive House certified building, or simply to optimise your building enclosure and increase efficiency to reduce operational carbon and HVAC costs.
Isothermal Modelling
Thermal modelling of the whole building relies on accurate thermal bridge modelling of components, structure, junctions, and connections.
We can use thermal bridge modelling software such as THERM and FLIXO to help compare the thermal performance of different junction options to optimise design. That performance can then be fed into the overall envelope model to ensure an accurate result.
Hygrothermal Modelling (WUFI)
For floor, roof, and wall assemblies, long-term durability relies on them staying dry.
Hygrothermal modelling through WUFI checks on the heat, air, and moisture flows through different wall assembly layers to diagnose any interstitial condensation (or dew point) problems before they arise.
Some assemblies work and some trap moisture and grow mould. WUFI can show you which one is which.
Retrofits, Renovations and Investigations
Retrofitting an older building or just doing routine maintenance? Let us help you improve the performance and durability of the building at the same time to get you the best long-term value for your project.
Whether it’s a brand new building, a heritage building, or leaky building needing remediation, we design and construction monitor holistic repairs and replacements that fix a problem at the source and prevent it from reappearing in the future.
Is this water a leak or condensation? Is something damaged, or was it the design or installation? Why are certain areas warmer or colder than others? What do these stains mean?
With a bit of a drawing review, testing, and site observations, we can answer all of these questions. We identify water entry, dew point issues, and hot/cold spots and we know how to fix them.
We can also assess the condition of existing roofing, cladding, tanking, windows or anything else on the outside of the building to help you plan early for future maintenance.
Product Development
We can generate building code clause compliance pathway reports for building enclosure components and assemblies.
This is similar to an appraisal or technical statement in that it relies on data sheets and domestic or international test reports to outline its compliance with the relevant building code clauses.
We can also evaluate components or assemblies to issue engineering judgement letters explaining compatibility, extrapolations or limits of usage, and/or similarities to tested components or systems.
We can answer specific questions from consultants or councils and we'll rely on bespoke engineering, previous testing/research by others, and or new bespoke testing.
Code Compliance
- B1 Structure
- B2 Durability
- C3 Fire
- E1 Surface Water
- E2 External Moisture
- E3 Internal Moisture
- F Safety
- G4 Ventilation
- G5 Interior Environment
- H1 Energy Efficiency

ECI Consulting
Efficiency through simplicity and innovation are the key to success and profitability in construction. Are you looking for cost savings on a design you’re bidding? Trying to standardise your detailing to hit multiple birds with one stone and cut out the extra waste and fluff? Exploring off-site constructing and modularisation to speed up a build? Talk to us to help you sort it out and get it compliant and consented.

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